A busy day.
Deutsch class + work + briefly studying + excellent concert
===a whole day
it’s been a long time not to use English thinking mode.
It became hard for me to find the original way.
If there are mistakes in the article ,please tell me.
Also,it’s a very long session not to listen to a concert like this.
It’s amazing!
I really enjoy it.
Especially the encore piece~~~~~~
I love it so much~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^
I have a question…..
Why there was piano in some of the songs?
I even couldn’t hear its voice.
Does there anyone can give me the answer?
That’s OKAY.
Just enjoy the show.
I’m glad that I have the pressure to listen to such a great concert.
(I admire the girls who play “tuba and basson”very much,they must be strong)
recently, I have a lot of work to do.
But, I find myself start having advancement.
There’s also have regression on playing piano.
Because I don’t have free time to practice and I play it without happiness.
So I ‘m a little bit frustrate.
I ‘m not sure whether I will give up or not………
Forget it…….
Enjoy everymoment!